Maybe you have been checking into on starting a home business and you ran across the moniker network marketing. If you are like a lot of persons, you may be thinking ?What is multi level marketing or direct sales as it is sometimes labeled?
Here?s what it is: A distribution model that moves products through networks of thousands of reps. The representatives are paid on their own efforts as well as those of the distributors that are part of their network or team. The concept of mlm works because it is based on a systematic process that is tested and leads to business success.
What is network marketing? ? A way for an average person to start a part time business without any past experience in the industry. The great thing about direct sales is you don?t have to quit your job or stop running your existing business in order to begin a mlm business. You also don?t need to be a salesperson because the business model is based on referring goods and services to people with whom you have an established relationship.
What is direct sales? ? An industry that has created more millionaires than any other industry. One of the many pluses of mlm is the ability to draw residual income (income that is paid out over and over again based upon an one?? ??time effort ? referring a product or service). Many of the top earners in the industry earn incomes that rival or exceed those of ceo?s in Fortune 500 companies, so don?t put down the power of residual income! Another great thing about the compensation plans offered by network marketing companies is they often include other bonuses such as luxury cars, vacations, profit sharing bonuses, stock options, etc.
What is network marketing? ? A business that requires work! It is not get rich quick. Expect that if you join an Network marketing company and want to earn a lot of money, you will need to invest 3-5 years building your business. You should know right up front that many people that join your team will give up. Many people will only earn a few hundred dollars per year, while some won?t earn anything. However, because your income is based on your work ethic you get to decide how much you are going to earn. You may see fit to do like I did and learn what was necessary to completely replace a nearly six figure income through multi level marketing.
What is direct sales? ? An opportunity for an individual to learn skills and talents such as leadership, public speaking, effective communication, etc. I like to think of it as a personal development curriculum that happens to have a compensation plan associated with it. To really succeed you must be willing to commit to personal development, learn a success system that can be duplicated by thousands and be able to identify, develop, train and lead large groups of people.
What I love is that you don?t have to possess all of these skills prior to joining a company. Multi level marketing gives you time to learn and develop the skills necessary to succeed. Your trainer in the company you join has a vested interest in helping you to develop into a successful leader.
In summary, multi level marketing is a great opportunity for people that are willing to work hard, enjoy helping people and want to earn a significant profit.
To learn more about the topic What Is Network Marketing? , it is important to learn everything you possibly can about the industry before you get involved. Visit the following link and you?ll be taken to YouTube where you can watch a very informative video on Network Marketing by industry expert Rhonda Jordan.
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