Research your family genealogy for free!
I come from a long line of Mormons. My great, great, great, great (that might be one too many greats) grandfather was converted to the religion soon after he arrived from Ireland. I know this because one of the most important things Mormon leaders tell church members is to discover their ancestry.
The Church has a doctrinal practice of performing temple ordinance work for family members, both dead and living; because of this doctrine, it has emphasized gathering and maintaining genealogical records from around the world.
My grandma was way into researching our family history. On more than one occasion I was presented with an actual family tree that started with me and branched way back into ancestors who lived during The Civil War. I believe I have a distant cousin named? wait for it? HateEvil Butler. Now that?s a way to guarantee a good kid, right? Just name him Hate Evil?
Anyway, my point is that from a very young age, I?ve always felt a sense of belonging in the world because I know where I came from and that I have this huge legacy of pioneers marching at my back wherever I go. Some of the stories are mind-blowing. That great great great grandfather I mentioned earlier? He killed some indians with an axe when they allegedly tried to rape one of his wives. Yes, he was a polygamist.
The largest genealogical library in the world is located right near my home in Salt Lake City. The Family History Library welcomes people from all walks of life. The church also launched a free FamilySearch Internet genealogy service at familysearch.org.
If you?re interested in researching your ancestry you can also click over to Ancestory.com. It?s super easy. Just head over there and type in your information and you?re off! Good luck. You never know who you?ll find lurking in the branches of your family tree.
Create your own family history with 6 Kids Crafts: A Summer to Remember
Tags: ancestry.com, church of jesus christ of latter-day saints, familysearch.com, genealogy, mormon church
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