"Little Nemo in Google-Land," a beautiful tribute to the work of artist Winsor McCay, and Google's doodle Monday.
By Suzanne Choney
Google has created some of the most imaginative doodles on its home page, giving us winter snowflakes to appreciate and musical instruments to play, but Monday's may be one of the most beautiful ever: A tribute to the 107th anniversary of the "Little Nemo in Slumberland" comic strips.
Click on this gorgeous doodle and you are transported to "Little Nemo in Google-land," and taken on a journey that looks like the one artist Winsor McCay created for seven years in doing the strip for the New York Herald starting in 1905. (Fans know that "Little Nemo" lives on, of course, in a video game.)
There are so many delightful surprises when you click ? and keep clicking, that's important! ? on the animated doodle.
You are transported away from whatever your problem of the moment might be and into a colorful, dreamy and magical place. One where you can slumber, safely and without worry. As Liz Lemon says: "I want to go to there."
(Quick tip: If you yearn for Google Doodles of previous anniversaries, here's a sortable archive of all of them. Click on the interactive ones to get them to do their weird tricks.)
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