Dr. Randy Dunn
MSU President
Greetings for this week.
As I am wont to do on an occasional basis, I?m using my space in?RM?this week to do a kind of ?potpourri? column, opining and sharing thoughts on a few different topics:***I have a strong sense that both the collegiate unit and University-wide Budget Planning and Review Teams are now starting to really get into the thick of their important task.? Notably more questions and data requests have been coming in over the past couple of weeks; I also am getting the impression of increased stress levels as I talk with various BPR Team members diving into some of the nitty gritty details that will inform their work.? This is expected and not surprising to me at all?and it is a testimony, I think, to the seriousness with which every budget team is approaching its charge.
If you are reading any of the HIED press at all, you know that MSU is far from the only institution undergoing a wholesale budget review process this year.? This week?s?Chronicle?featured related stories on both Emory University and Wilson College?and if you haven?t seen the articles, they make for interesting reading.? We?ve linked them to the Murray State website for your convenience.
Emory article:
Wilson College article:
Given my present job situation (which I will talk about a bit more at the end of this column), there have been some questions raised this past week about any impact on the continuation of the budget teams and review process here at MSU.? There is none.? Our Board of Regents has been clear that we must resolve not only a nearly $2 million operating deficit?but also free up reallocated monies to keep tuition low?fund new program development?pay for future salary and benefit increases?and cover myriad additional needs for the coming years.? We?ve chosen to make those recommendations to our BOR utilizing an employee-intensive, inclusive process with the BPR Teams.? And those recommendations are still due to the Board by mid-spring, so that work must go on, no matter what.
***As I write this on Thursday, I have just come out of a meeting where some decisions were made that?I?trust?many of you will take as very good news.? As always happens this time of year, we have been working with our third-party consultants to determine pricing for our employee health insurance program for the coming 2013 calendar year.? (You may recall that our health insurance rate renewal follows the?calendar?year, as opposed to the?fiscal?year.)? In looking at 1) the cost savings we?ve realized in our medical plan this past year?and we have to credit those MSU staffers who provide great employee wellness and acute care programs to those of us on campus; plus 2) the fact that we were able to budget a sufficient amount within the present FY13 University Budget to address the plan?s cost increases we will see heading into 2013?there will be no additional employee contribution (i.e., NO cost increase to employees) for health insurance coverage for 2013.? The plan design will remain the same.
Many thanks to our standing University Governance committee?the Insurance and Benefits Committee, and its chair, Maeve McCarthy?for their review and analysis in support of this decision.? In another year where overall salary increases were not awarded, I?m sure it is the hope of the IBC members?as well as all of us who deal with this issue administratively?that this will have at least some helpful economic impact for MSU employees.? All that all of you are doing to stay healthy?please keep doing it!
***Of course, this weekend is Family Weekend at MSU.? I hope many of you will be able to enjoy a wide variety of the events and festivities planned for these next couple of days.? You can access a full schedule of events at the following site:
With over 2,000 pre-registered for FW this year, it?s becoming practically as big a Racer football weekend as Homecoming.
I didn?t get it sent out in time for the first home game, but I always try to reiterate my ?tailgating message? each fall.? We want this wonderful college football tradition to continue and grow at Murray State?but for that to happen, please make sure to socialize on campus property safely and responsibly.? We?re committed to making tailgates a safe, wholesome, fun, and clean environment for our students, their families, and all Racer fans.? All state laws regarding underage drinking will be enforced.? And I think most of our participants understand the ?rules? of tailgating that are common to almost all campuses nationwide (e.g., no visible branding, no clear cups or containers, pick up ALL waste and trash by game time, etc.).? Build our Racer Tradition using both common sense and courteousness.
***I?ve received many kind comments and emails from the Campus Community regarding my candidacy at Missouri State.? Given my Presbyterian roots I suppose, I take a very Calvinistic view of such things and?no matter how it all turns out?I figure it?s predestined anyway.? But there is one point I would make about it.? This past Wednesday I had the chance to meet with the SGA Student Senate for awhile, and the subject (as you would expect) engendered discussion.? I shared with them the fact that looking at another position at this level is typically not a mark of dissatisfaction or unhappiness, nor does it reflect something in need of remediation or fixing.? Rather, for some individuals (and I include myself in this group) who view their profession or vocation as a calling, there can be a natural inclination or desire to expand one?s reach and scope of influence.? When the right opportunity arises to do so, I think there?s a personal obligation to think about it.? It?s rare for a major sport coach to be faulted when he or she aspires to a higher position and changes universities?but presidents can get a little closer scrutiny at times.??Whatever the future holds, please know that?like most every president I know who has ever been in this situation?I remain committed to positively and proactively fulfilling the full range of my duties here at Murray State for as long as I am honored to serve as its President.
Because of the short week next week due to Fall Break, I?ll pick the column back up on October 12.
Have a great week.
Randy Dunn
Source: http://www.roundaboutmurray.com/?p=2934
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