Thursday, November 10, 2011

A Humbled Adobe Sees Beyond The Browser

shutterstock_35790871I can't help chortling a little in Schadenfreude at Adobe's expected announcement that it is abandoning Flash for mobile devices. For most of the past two years, the anti-iPad contingent has cited flash incompatibility as the primary reason they weren't going to give Apple their money yet the devices they did back - the Xoom, the Notion Ink Adam, the Playbook, and the like - all shipped with buggy or non-existent flash implementations. But I will not chortle, friends, because this is some serious stuff. First, I want to say Flash wasn't a bad idea for mobile. It would have been amazing in the early years of the smartphone revolution. It was comfortable, familiar, and a great way to get app-like functionality onto phones that might not have been powerful or popular enough for a real development platform. However, it was never implemented in a way that added value and what value it had value really peaked a few years ago and has progressively dropped over the past few months. If I'm to pick nits, I'd like to show this video from Lee Owen.


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